Benefits of Having a Doula

Anna-LiveyNumerous clinical studies have found that a doula’s presence at birth has many positive effects on birth outcomes as well as greatly benefiting the postpartum period. Having a doula tends to result in shorter labors with fewer complications, reduces the need for pitocin (a labor-inducing drug), forceps, vacuum extraction, and cesareans, as well as reducing the mother’s request for pain medication and/or epidurals. Doulas can also help increase women’s positive feelings about one’s childbirth experience, her partner and baby.

Research also shows parents who receive support feel more secure and cared for and are more successful adapting to new family dynamics. Parents have greater success with breastfeeding and experience less postpartum depression.


Having a doula as a member of the birth team decreases:
> cesarean rate by 50%,
> the length of labor by 25%,
> the use of oxytocin by 40%
> requests for an epidural by 60%
> reduction in analgesia use by 30%
> reduction in forceps delivery by 40%

*Klaus, M., Kennell, J., Klaus, P. Mothering the Mother.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1993.